Wayzata's Best of Shareware PC/Windows 1
Wayzata's Best of Shareware for PC-Windows - Release 1 - Wayzata Technology (1993).iso
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# D O S U T I L I T I E S #
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| FM.EXE Ver 4.6 BY Robert Ossowski |
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* Getting Started *
FM.EXE is a comparatively small routine, but it has many useful
functions not found in most file managers. Its size has been kept
down by careful interactive ASSEMBLY programming. Read the docu-
mentation carefully to get a full understanding of all the features
Copy FM.EXE to a directory that is in your DOS search path or
just put FM.EXE in your DOS directory. No support files are required
for FM and no special installation is necessary. The "F1" help
function is built in.
To run FM.EXE, type in "FM" at the DOS prompt. It will load the
current directory of the current drive and display its listing in the
right window. At sign-on, the left window will display either the
share screen or the mouse control menu. The highlighted select bar
will be on the first directory entry.
Pressing the "Enter" key when the highlight select bar is on an
entry labled with "<DIR>" will load that directory into one of the
available directory listing windows. Active window selection may be
accomplished using the left and right arrow keys, or mouse movement.
To get the disk directory tree window available, enter Ctrl-T or
select Ctrl-T function from the menus.
Should you have an EGA/VGA gray scale monitor, put the command
"SET VID=7" in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file and FM.EXE will use black and
white only. For any set country other than USA, FM.EXE will use the
DD-MM-YY date format.
■ Available Windows ■
There are five control windows selectable by the left and right arrow
keys or mouse movement. The currently active window is indicated by a
wide border. The mouse controls change, dependent on which window is
* File Window 1 * Lists file data of primary directory.
* File Window 2 * Lists file data of secondary directory.
If either file window is active, all menu controls are
available from keyboard. Mouse controls as follows :
* Left mouse button = view current file
* Right mouse button = exit to menu select
* Both mouse buttons = mark / unmark files
* Mouse movement In all windows *
* Up/Down = move up/down directory list
* Left/Right = change active window if available
* Tree Window * Lists drive tree, highlighting current dir yellow. When
active, entering Ctrl-driveletter loads new drive tree.
The functions on red highlighted entry are as follows :
* "Enter" or left mouse PB = load the highlighted directory
* "F2" or right mouse PB = copy current or marked files to this dir
* "Alt-F2" = copy/backup highlighted dir and sub-dirs
* "F3" = remove highlighted directory if empty
* "F4" or both buttons = move marked files to this directory
* Total Window * Lists disk tree directory storage & file totals.
"Enter" or left mouse button loads highlighted directory.
"F3" key or both mouse buttons allow deletion of empty dirs.
* Menu Window * For keyboard guide and mouse control functions.
When active, the mouse menu is highlighted.
* ^A ^B ^C ^D ^E ^F Drive? *^A -^F* Select disk & load current dir or tree
*Alt-C * Run internal programmer's calculator
*Alt-D * Run internal calendar display
*Alt-E * Unload FM to execute a file
* Name Ext Size Date Inv Off * N * Sort directory by file name
* E * Sort directory by file extent
* S * Sort directory by file size
* D * Sort directory by file dates
* I * Invert current sort mode
* O * Turn sort off and reload directory
* ^T-ree ^X-chg d^O-sc ^P-rog * ^T * Load tree of current active drive
* ^X * Exchange prim. & secondary dir windows
* ^O * Enter DOS commands for execution
*Alt-O * Unload FM and execute DOS commands
* ^P * Pass marked files to command function
*Alt-P * Unload FM & pass marked file to command
* Up> PgUp Home ^PgUp * * Control highlight pointer
* Dwn> PgDwn End ^PgDwn* * Control highlight pointer
* & Mrk/UnMrk ^M-ask Off/On* & * Mark or unmark highlighted file
* ^M * Set directory mask for active window
* M * Toggle *.* mask and current dir mask
* <-|View/Load ^V-iew Type * <-| * View file or load highlighted directory
* ^V * Toggle text/hex file view mode
*Alt-V * Enter mega-byte offset to view file
* F1 Hlp Scrn ^F9 Set Date * F1 * Call FM's help display
* ^F9 * Set marked files date to current date
* F2 Copy / Bakup /Restore * Copy, backup and restore files marked
* F3 Delete Files, Dirs * Delete/Erase marked files or empty dirs
* F4 Move, Rename Files * Move or rename marked files
* F5 Locate File * Search disks for file and list results
* F6 Set / Clear All Marks * Set/Clear all marks from listed directory
* F7 Wipe Diskette Clean * Remove all data from a diskette
* F8 Edit a File * Run editor and load highlighted file
*Alt-F8* Unload FM and edit marked file
* F9 Set File Attr /Date * (H)idden (S)ystem (R)ead-only (A)rchive
*Alt-F9* Set yuor own screen color attributes
* F10 Create Directory * Create a new directory
* Alt-F10 Assign Commands * Assign new DOS command strings for F1 thru F10
* ^<-| Execute Program * Run highlighted file if executable
* For mouse selection of the Alt-C, Alt-D, Alt-E, Alt-O, Alt-P, Alt-V, Alt-F8,
Alt-F9, and Alt-F10 functions, press both mouse buttons.
* Functions not available from mouse menu *
* Alt-F2 * Copy /Bakup /Restore directory tree from secondary tree window
* Ctrl-F8 * Insert a text file into a .ZIP file, as new zip file comment
* Ctrl-Esc * Exit FM to current directory
* Ctrl-G * Select drive "G"
* Ctrl-H * Select drive "H"
Path C:\TASM\*.*
* | >\FM42 156,876 Bytes in 6 Files *
* | >\MEMMAP 31,461 Bytes in 5 Files *
* | >\POPCAL 35,010 Bytes in 5 Files *
* | >\SHELL 220,290 Bytes in 20 Files *
* | >\WHERE 30,963 Bytes in 5 Files *
* C:>\QEMM 303,860 Bytes in 23 Files *
* C:>\SALE2 710,022 Bytes in 43 Files *
* | >\UPDATE 129,638 Bytes in 4 Files *
* C:>\SHARE40 1,863,011 Bytes in 85 Files *
* C:>\TASM 810,867 Bytes in 24 Files *
* | >\CLOCK41 28,690 Bytes in 5 Files *
* | >\DDIR41 32,524 Bytes in 5 Files *
* | >\DOSCOM41 38,447 Bytes in 5 Files *
* | >\DOSHLP41 49,694 Bytes in 6 Files *
* | >\DOSTEC41 327,825 Bytes in 6 Files *
* | >\DSKUTL41 51,307 Bytes in 7 Files *
* | >\EZTEXT42 115,876 Bytes in 8 Files *
* | >\FM42 73,979 Bytes in 4 Files *
* | >\MEMMAP41 29,269 Bytes in 5 Files *
30,048,727 Bytes in 1,343 Files 1,667,072 Bytes Free Space
Path C:\TASM\*.*
| | >\INCLUDE || ALLOC ASM 321 12-16-91 9:02a A|
| | >\LIB || ANSI ASM 19,709 9-28-91 12:20p A|
| | >\PCSYS || ANSIDRV ASM 10,340 12-11-91 3:10p A|
| | >\TUT || ATSIZE ASM 3,467 1-11-91 1:22p |
| C:>\TELIX || BAKUP ASM 7,308 8-15-90 11:11a |
| | >\DOWNLOAD || BUTSTAT ASM 1,211 1-07-91 11:41a |
| | >\HSTFILES || CALC ASM 27,747 11-22-91 10:00a A|
| | >\SLT || CHECKID ASM 291 12-12-90 10:20a A|
| | >\UPLOAD || CHKFRAG ASM 35,239 11-04-91 9:10a A|
| C:>\TESTONE || CHKROOT ASM 27,496 9-28-91 12:22p A|
| | >\TESTTWO || CHNGCON ASM 956 5-12-90 2:05p A|
| | >\TESTHREE || CHNGMENU ASM 35,832 9-28-91 12:24p A|
| | >\TESTFOUR || CLK1 ASM 18,944 10-13-91 6:19p A|
| | >\TESTFIVE || CLS ASM 308 1-04-80 4:40p A|
| | >\TESTSIX || COLRTEXT ASM 13,565 9-28-91 12:25p A|
| | >\TESTSEVN || DDIR ASM 28,814 9-28-91 4:50p A|
| C:>\WP50 || DEFRAG ASM 49,007 12-06-91 5:45p A|
| C:>\ZIP || DEMO ASM 29,258 2-04-91 7:59p A|
| C:>\ZIPASM || DEMOS ASM 29,331 3-06-91 3:42p A|
375,521 Bytes in 37 Files
1,665,024 Bytes Free Space
Path C:\TASM\*.*
| SHELL41 <DIR> 5-01-91 || ALLOC ASM 321 12-16-91 9:02a A|
| TSR <DIR> 5-16-91 ||>ANSI ASM 19,709 9-28-91 12:20p A|
| WHERE41 <DIR> 5-25-91 ||>ANSIDRV ASM 10,340 12-11-91 3:10p A|
| WORK <DIR> 4-30-91 ||>ATSIZE ASM 3,467 1-11-91 1:22p |
| CHAPXMPL ARC 34,733 10-31-88 ||>BAKUP ASM 7,308 8-15-90 11:11a |
| TAEXMPL1 ARC 82,388 10-31-88 ||>BUTSTAT ASM 1,211 1-07-91 11:41a |
| TAEXMPL2 ARC 65,538 10-31-88 ||>CALC ASM 27,747 11-22-91 10:00a A|
| GREP COM 6,979 10-31-88 ||>CHECKID ASM 291 12-12-90 10:20a A|
| OBJXREF COM 30,392 10-31-88 ||>CHKFRAG ASM 35,239 11-04-91 9:10a A|
| README COM 4,201 10-31-88 ||>CHKROOT ASM 27,496 9-28-91 12:22p A|
| TOUCH COM 3,992 10-31-88 ||>CHNGCON ASM 956 5-12-90 2:05p A|
| UNPACK COM 14,710 10-31-88 ||>CHNGMENU ASM 35,832 9-28-91 12:24p A|
| HELPME! DOC 11,031 10-31-88 ||>CLK1 ASM 18,944 10-13-91 6:19p A|
| MANUAL DOC 17,352 10-31-88 || CLS ASM 308 1-04-80 4:40p A|
| MAKE EXE 27,142 10-31-88 || COLRTEXT ASM 13,565 9-28-91 12:25p A|
| TASM EXE 97,876 10-31-88 || DDIR ASM 28,814 9-28-91 4:50p A|
| TCREF EXE 10,995 10-31-88 || DEFRAG ASM 49,007 12-06-91 5:45p A|
| TD EXE 171,680 10-31-88 || DEMO ASM 29,258 2-04-91 7:59p A|
| TLIB EXE 31,104 10-31-88 || DEMOS ASM 29,331 3-06-91 3:42p A|
| <C>opy | <M>ove | <E>rase | <V>iew | <F>ind |<L>stMode| <A>ttrib| <D>ate|
| <F>iles | <D>irs | <S>ort |<E>xecute| <T>ag | <L>ist | <H>elp | <Q>uit|
Path C:\TASM\*.*
| FM.EXE 45 (C)1991 By RO-SOFT || ALLOC ASM 321 12-16-91 9:02a A|
| ^A ^B ^C ^D ^E ^F Drive ? ||>ANSI ASM 19,709 9-28-91 12:20p A|
| Name Ext Size Date Inv Off ||>ANSIDRV ASM 10,340 12-11-91 3:10p A|
| ^T-ree ^X-chg d^O-sc ^P-rog ||>ATSIZE ASM 3,467 1-11-91 1:22p |
| Up PgUp Home ^PgUp ||>BAKUP ASM 7,308 8-15-90 11:11a |
| Dwn PgDwn End ^PgDwn ||>BUTSTAT ASM 1,211 1-07-91 11:41a |
| ± Mrk/UnMrk ^M-ask Off/On ||>CALC ASM 27,747 11-22-91 10:00a A|
| <-|View/Load ^V-iew Type ||>CHECKID ASM 291 12-12-90 10:20a A|
| F1 Hlp Scrn ^F9 Set Date ||>CHKFRAG ASM 35,239 11-04-91 9:10a A|
| F2 Copy / Bakup / Restore ||>CHKROOT ASM 27,496 9-28-91 12:22p A|
| F3 Delete / Erase Files ||>CHNGCON ASM 956 5-12-90 2:05p A|
| F4 Move / Rename Files ||>CHNGMENU ASM 35,832 9-28-91 12:24p A|
| F5 Locate Files ||>CLK1 ASM 18,944 10-13-91 6:19p A|
| F6 Set / Clear All Marks || CLS ASM 308 1-04-80 4:40p A|
| F7 Wipe A Diskette Clean || COLRTEXT ASM 13,565 9-28-91 12:25p A|
| F8 Edit a File || DDIR ASM 28,814 9-28-91 4:50p A|
| F9 Set File Attributes || DEFRAG ASM 49,007 12-06-91 5:45p A|
| F10 Create a Directory || DEMO ASM 29,258 2-04-91 7:59p A|
| ^<-| Execute a Program || DEMOS ASM 29,331 3-06-91 3:42p A|
188,540 Bytes In 12 Marked File(s) 4,186,112 Bytes Free Space
195,584 Bytes on DD Diskettes 190,976 Bytes on HD Diskettes
* ^A ^B ^C ^D ^E ^F Drive? * Entering Ctrl-driveletter loads the current
directory, or tree, listing from that drive. Drives A thru H are available
from the keyboard, or drives A thru F using the mouse menu. Drives A thru
K are available from the secondary menu system.
* Alt-C * Pop-up a programmer's calculator with decimal, hex, octal,& binary
base conversion, bit shifting, and logical operator functions. It has a
32-Bit number representation and supports two decimal place integer arith-
metic calculations. Screen location may be changed using the arrow keys.
Position is retained until the program is unloaded or moved again. Mixed-
base calculations and the conventional +, -, *, and / functions are sup-
ported. Beware, though, of only integer mode calculations. Your fractions
disappear, except in fixed two place decimal.
* CALC.EXE * Functions *
* Arrows * Re-locatable pop-up screen position using arrow keys.
* F1 * Pressing F1 successively cycles through the different
base conversions of the number on the entry line.
* F2 * This key toggles fixed two place decimal on and off.
* F3 * Performs logical AND on current and next number entered.
* F4 * Performs logical OR on current and next number entered.
* F5 * Performs logical XOR on current and next number entered.
* F6 * Performs logical NOT(invert) on the current entry.
* F7 * Performs BIT SHIFT LEFT on current entry.
* F8 * Performs BIT SHIFT RIGHT on current entry.
* F9 * Changes the SIGN of current entry.
* F10 * Clears the entry line.
* Shift-F10* Clears the calculator.
* Alt-D * Pop-up an internal calendar display. The screen position may be
changed and is retained for next call-up. Popcal will always display the
systems current month on call-up, which may be changed as follows :
Program Functions:
Left arrow .. = back one month Right arrow . = forward one month
Down arrow .. = back one year Up arrow .... = forWard one year
Ctrl/Rt arrow = get current month Ctrl/Pg down. = move to bottom line
Page up ..... = move up one line Page down ... = move down one line
Home ........ = left one column End ......... = move right one col
Ctrl/home ... = move to far left Ctrl/End .... = move to far right
Ctrl/Pg up .. = move to top line Esc ......... = exit calendar
* Name Ext Size Date Inv Off * Entering the letter N, E, S, or D sorts the
active directory in the selected mode, name, extent, size, date. Entering
The letter I inverts sort mode, and O turns sort off. Mouse menu selection
using the left button is the same. The previous two sort types will be
retained and performed upon loading a new directory, until the "O" option
is executed.
* Up, PgUp, Home, ^PgUp * Use keyboard control keys or left mouse button to
* Dwn, PgDn, End, ^PgDn * move highlight pointer to desired directory entry.
* ^T-ree ^X-chg d^O-sc ^P-rog *
* ^T * Load drive directory tree of active dir window.
* ^X * Exchange primary & secondary dir windows.
* ^O,Alt-O,^P,Alt-P * All these functions will accept a command string
consisting of one or more commands, separated by a comma ",". These
commands will be handed to DOS one at a time. The command string may
be up to sixty-four characters long. The last fifteen strings entered
during the current session of FM, will be saved for recall, using the
up/down arrow keys.
Also available for these functions are assignable command strings
which are assigned to the function keys F1 thru F10. These may be
recalled by pressing the function keys.
* ^O * Enter DOS commands for execution. Any command that can be run
from the DOS command line may be executed here. This may be handy for
using file pack routines or for putting the current directory listing
into a file to be called in by the editor, etc.
*Alt-O* UnLoad FM and execute a DOS command. If you need more free memory
for your commands, use this function. FM will reduce its size to
less than 2K bytes before execution.
* Ctrl-P * Pass marked files to a command function. This is useful for
performing an operation on marked files only. If used in conjunction
with EDIT.EXE Ver 4.2 or later it becomes very powerful. You can enter
"EDIT /F", and all marked files will be handed to the text search
function of the editor, one at a time. The editor will prompt for a
text string entry and search options at the first file load and search
for the entered string, then enter the edit mode if text is found. You
may then edit the file, or simply exit, and the next marked file is
loaded and searched. You can use the editor's "Alt-K S" function to
save a block of text, which can then be pulled into the next file,
where the search string is found, using the "Alt-K G" function.
Selecting the search, find and replace option, with command option
"EDIT /A", will cause the editor to prompt for both character strings
and search options at first file load. Enter a number on the search
options line large enough to cover all expected occurrences of the
search string in a single file. Entering a "N" on the options line
following the number will find and replace all occurrences of a text
string in all marked files, stopping only to report number of replace-
ments in each file. Without the "N", it stops at each occurrence and
asks if you want it replaced.
After execution of this command, a Ctrl-X may be entered at any entry
stop to terminate and return to FM. The text files should be line
orientated, or EDIT.EXE will insert Cr, Lf, characters at 256 byte
* Alt-P * Unload FM and hand marked files to a command. Use "Alt-P" in-
stead of "Ctrl-P" to free more memory for those commands that may re-
quire all of your available memory.
* ± Mrk/UnMrk ^M-ask Off/On * Use the + and - keys or left mouse button
to mark or unmark the highlighted entry. Enter or select "Ctrl-M" to
set a new listing mask for the active directory window. Enter "M", or
select off/on to toggle the current mask off or on.
*«─┘View/Load ^V-iew Type * Press the "Enter" key or left mouse button to
list the highlighted file. In list mode, use screen control keys to
browse through the file, or mouse left button to page forward. The
normal file list mode is ascii text. Hex listing mode may be toggled
on/off using "Ctrl-V" keys previous to selecting view file. If the
highlight is on a directory entry, that directory is loaded into the
active window. When highlight is on the ".." entry, the parent direc-
tory is loaded.
* Alt-V * The view function has limits on the size of a file that can be
displayed. This limit depends on file structure and list type. For
those large files beyond the limit, using the "Alt-V" function, allows
you to enter a mega-byte offset to begin view file.
* F1 Hlp Scrn ^F9 Set Date * Press the "F1" Key to select FM's help display.
Then press any key or move mouse to page through the help screens to the
desired topic. Select or enter "Ctrl-F9" to set marked files to the current
system date.
* F2 Copy /Backup /Restore * Press "F2" key or left mouse button for these
functions. If no entries are marked the copy & backup functions are applied
to the highlighted entry only. If tree is active, files go to highlighted
directory, otherwise you must then enter a destination path (i.e. d:\dir).
This path will be checked for an existing file and date of that file. FM
will not copy over a file with equal or greater date than the source file.
You can rename files using the wild card characters "*" and "?" on copy or
move functions. At path entry, the down arrow key, or both mouse buttons
will bring down the inactive directory path, if one is loaded. If a file
won't fit on the destination disk, you will be prompted to insert another.
Upon copy and restore completion the destination directory is loaded and
displayed in the inactive directory window.
For backup, enter the destination drive, with the /B option, (i.e. d:/b).
Previous to a backup copy the destination diskettes will be soft formatted.
Directories will be created on the destination disk, and the disk is marked
with a BAK?? (?? is 00 to 99) label for identification. Backup files may
be of any size and will be continued on the next diskette.
For restore, make the source directory durrent, and enter the destination
drive with the /R option (i.e, d:/r). The diskette ID is checked and must
be inserted in the same order as backed up.
* Alt-F2 Copy / Bakup / Restore * This function is available from secondary
tree window only. Press both the "Alt" and "F2" keys to select. Copy will
begin at the current highlighted tree entry and all files in that directory
and all its sub-directories, will be copied to destination drive. All other
copy and backup parameters are the same as function F2.
For restore of an Alt-F2 backup, select the root directory of diskette.
* F3 Delete /Erase Files * Press the "F3" key or left mouse button to delete
the marked or current highlighted files, or empty directories. Marking a
file twice sets a double mark for file erase mode. This mode over-writes
all file data and truncates deleted entry to zero.
* F4 Move/Rename Files * Press the "F4" key or left button to move or re-
name the marked or current highlighted files. Enter a destination path at
the prompt. This function determines by the path entered, whether to re-
name or to copy and delete files. To rename the current file or directory
, just enter a new name (i.e. newdir or newfile), with no file path. You
may use the wild card characters "?" and "*" for renaming a group of files
(i.e. *.dat or ????02.*).
* F5 Locate Files * Press the "F5" key or left button to locate a files.
Wild card characters are permitted in file name, (i.e. *.bak or my????.Fil
etc.). You may enter a drive letter and number of drives to search (i.e.
*.bak C:2). This entry searches drives C: and D: for all files with a .bak
extent. Press the "Esc" key at prompt, to load the directory in which the
last file name listed resides, into the active directory window.
* F6 Mark/Clear All Files * Press the "F6" key or left button to mark all
files or clear all marks from currently active directory window.
* F7 Wipe Diskette Clean * Press the "F7" key or left button to clear all
data from the current active diskette. This function does nothing if the
active drive is a hard disk. It works only on floppy disks.
* F8 Edit a File * Press the "F8" key or left button to run your editor and
load the highlighted file for editing. Editor file must reside in the DOS
search path.
* Alt-F8 Edit a File * Press the "Alt" and "F8" keys. This is the same as
the "F8" function, except that FM will un-load, reducing its size to less
than 1K bytes before running the editor.
* Ctrl-F8 Insert Logo * Press the "Ctrl" and "F8" keys. If highlight is on
a .ZIP file, enter the name of your logo file to insert into the zip file
sign-on screen location.
* F9 Set File Attributes * Press the "F9" key or left button to set attri-
butes of the marked files or current highlighted entry. Then at the prompt
press just the "Enter" key or left mouse button to clear attributes or
enter the desired attribute letters (H)idden, (S)ystem, (R)ead-only, and
(A)rchive, then the "Enter" key or the left mouse button.
* Alt-F9 * Press the "Alt" and "F9" keys to enter new screen color
attributes. Making any selection other than "A" will highlight that
line. Then use the arrow keys, changing the entry color, till you get
the desired color. Then press "Esc" to return to select line. After
all colors are set, press "F10" to store changes. The following is
the color select screen with each entry listed in it's current color:
«A» File directory listing
«B» Screen and file view
«C» Highlight
«D» Tree and menu window
«E» Menus
«F» Active window border
«G» Messages
«H» Screen border
«I» Calculator
«J» Clock
ESC = Abort edit, F10 = Save edit changes
Selecting <A> gives the following screen listing all currently
assigned file extents. To save changes here you must press "F10"
before exiting back to main color select screen.
EXE You may change the extent names to be
FNT colorized, and color attributes. All
HLP extents not listed will use the "***"
MAC (default) attribute.
MEU Alt-F5 = Set new text color
OBJ Alt-F6 = Set new background color
OVL Alt-F7 = Set all to current color
ESC = Abort edit, F10 = Save edit changes
* Ctrl-F9 Set File Date * Press the "Ctrl" and "F9" Keys to set marked files
date to the current system date.
* F10 Create New Directory * Press the "F10" key or left mouse button to
select create a new directory. Then enter the desired directory drive, and
name, at the prompt from keyboard. To create dir d:\testdir\test, you must
first create d:\testdir, then you can create d:\testdir\test. To create a
sub-dir in the current active directory, enter new name with no path (i.e.
* Alt-F10 Edit Command Functions * Press the "Alt" and "F10" keys to enter
new command strings assigned to function keys F1 thru F10. Edit screen
displaying current strings will appear as follows :
You may enter one, or a string of commands, separated by a ",".
F2 : C:,CD\WP50,WP.EXE
F3 : FORMAT A:.......................................................
F5 : FORMAT B: /T:80 /N:9
F7 : LHA S
F8 : LHA A
F10 : TASM
ESC = Abort Edit, F10 = Save Edit Changes
* ^<-| Execute A Program * Press the "Ctrl" and "Enter" keys or select with
left mouse button. If the highlighted entry is not a .COM, .EXE, or .BAT
file, nothing will occur, otherwise the file is run under the DOS execute
function. Upon exiting the routine, you are returned to the file manager.
* Esc To Exit * Pressing the "Esc" key or right mouse button takes you to
the file manager's second menu system, from which you may exit or select
any function therein. Keyboard selection may be made by pressing the letter
key displayed within the < > on the active menu line. Mouse selection is
made by mouse movement to highlight desired selection and pressing the left
* Primary Menu Line *
| <F>iles | <D>irs | <S>ort |<E>xecute| <T>ag | <L>ist | <H>elp | <Q>uit|
| <F>iles | Get FM's files options menu
| <D>irs | Get FM's directory options menu
| <S>ort | Get FM's directory sort options menu
|<E>xecute| Get FM's execute options menu
| <T>ag | Get FM's file tag options menu
| <L>ist | Get FM's directory list controls menu
| <H>elp | Display FM's built in help screens
| <Q>uit | Get FM's exit options menu
* Exit Option Menu Line *
* Exit to <O>riginal dir * Exit to <C>urrent dir * <N>ot exit file manager*
* Exit to <O>riginal dir * Exit FM to current directory when FM was loaded
* Exit to <C>urrent dir * Exit FM to current active directory of FM
* <N>ot exit file manager* Exit menu system back to FM
* Files Options Menu Line *
| <C>opy | <M>ove | <E>rase | <V>iew | <F>ind |<L>stMode| <A>ttrib|<D>ate|
| <C>opy | "F2" Execute FM's file copy/backup/restore function
| <M>ove | "F4" Execute FM's file move/rename function
| <E>rase | "F3" Execute FM's file delete function
| <V>iew | "Enter" Execute FM's list file/Load dir function
| <F>ind | "F5" Execute FM's file find function
|<L>stMode| "^V" Toggle text/hex file list modes
| <A>ttrib| "F9" Execute FM' set file attribute function
| <D>ate | "Ctrl-F9" Execute FM's set file date function
| | "Q" Exit menu system and return to FM
* Directory Options Menu Line *
|<M>askTog| <T>ree | <D>rive | <L>oad | <C>opy | c<R>eate|<S>etMask|<X>chng|
|<M>askTog| "M" Turn off/on the active windows directory mask
| <T>ree | "Ctrl-T" Load disk directory tree of active directory window
| <D>rive | Get FM's disk drive select menu
| <L>oad | "Return" Execute FM,s load dir/view file function
| <C>opy | "Alt-F2" Copy / backup / restore directory
| c<R>eate| "F10" Execute FM,s create directory function
|<S>etMask| "^M" Set new directory mask for active window
| <X>chng | "Ctrl-X" Exchange directory windows
| | "Q" Exit menu system and return to FM
* Drive Select Menu Line *
|<A>|<B>|<C>|<D>|<E>|<F>|<G>|<H>|<I>|<J>|<K>| "Ctrl-A thru Ctrl-K",
Load new disk drive into current active window.
|<Q>| Exit menu system and return back to FM
* Directory Sort Options Menu Line *
| <N>ame | <E>xtent| <B>oth | <S>ize | <D>ate | <I>nvert| <O>ff | <Q>uit|
| <N>ame | "N" Sort active directory by file name
| <E>xtent| "E" Sort active directory by file extent
| <B>oth | "N,E" Sort active directory by file name then by file extent
| <S>ize | "S" Sort active directory by file size
| <D>ate | "D" Sort active directory by file date
| <I>nvert| "I" Invert current active sort mode
| <O>ff | "O" Turn sort mode off
| <Q>uit | "Q" Exit menu system and return to FM
* File Tag Options Menu Line *
| <M>ark | <S>kip |<U>nmark |Mrk <A>ll|<C>lr All| <Q>uit | < > | < > |
| <M>ark | "+" Mark current highlighted entry
| <S>kip | "Dwn>" Go down one line In directory window
|<U>nmark | "-" Un-mark current highlighted entry
|Mrk <A>ll| "F6" Mark all files in current active directory window
|<C>lr All| "F6" Clear all marks in current active directory window
| <Q>uit | "Q" Exit menu system and return back to FM
* Execute Options Menu Line *
| <F>ile | <E>ditor|c<O>mmand| <P>rog |<A>ltEdit|Alt<C>omm|Altp<R>og|<W>ipe|
| <F>ile | "Ctrl-Enter" Execute current highlighted file
| <E>ditor| "F8" Pass current highlighted file to your editor
|c<O>mmand| "Ctrl-O" Enter a DOS command to execute
| <P>rog | "Ctrl-P" Pass marked files to entered command function
|<A>ltEdit| "Alt-F8" Unload FM and edit highlighted file
|Alt<C>omm| "Alt-O" Unload FM and execute a DOS command
|Altp<R>og| "Alt-P" Unload FM and pass files to command function
| <W>ipe | "F7" Execute FM,s wipe diskette clean function
| | "Q" Exit menu system and return to FM
* Directory List Control Options Menu Line *
|<L>ine Dn|Line <U>p|Pg <D>own| <P>g Up |Pg <H>ome|Pg <E>nd |<F>rst Pg|La<S>tP|
|<L>ine Dn| "Dwn>" Go down one line in active directory window
|Line <U>p| "Up>" Go up one line in active directory window
|Pg <D>own| "PgDn" Go down one page in active directory or tree
| <P>g Up | "PgUp" Go up one page in active directory or tree
|Pg <H>ome| "Home" Go to beginning of page in active directory window
|Pg <E>nd | "End" Go to last Line in active directory window
|<F>rst Pg| "Ctrl-PgUp" Go to beginning of active directory or tree
|La<S>tP | "Ctrl-PgDn" Go to end of active directory or tree
| | "Q" Exit menu system and return to FM